Christopher Boehm


Christopher is a yoga Instructor & US Army Veteran leading WWYP’s program in Franklin, MA.

Chris grew up in a military household in Cleveland Heights, Ohio. After graduating from West Virginia University in 1999, he was studying to be a history teacher. Life changed in 2006, and Chris joined the Army, serving as a tank commander and ultimately deployed to Mosul, Iraq. During a P90X PT session in 2009, he realized he benefitted more from Yoga than any other routine and began to incorporate Yoga into his unit’s PT regiment.

Yoga was a constant in a chaotic profession.

During the pandemic, he decided to become a certified instructor through Baptiste Power Yoga. This supported his personal practice immensely, and insured his own intuitions on becoming an instructor.  

Growing up playing ice hockey he is familiar with TBI and pain tolerance; yoga and meditation has helped him through the “gray” times.  

Chris is married with three active kids in soccer and martial arts (and at times join in doing yoga poses and meditating). 


Shana Kaplan


Elizabeth Crehan